If You Only Knew Scavenger Hunt
The Scavenger Hunt begins anew!
It’s Fall, and time for our Annual Haverhill History Mystery.
The I-TEAM: Your innovative team of 4 – 8 people have a mission that’s not impossible:
to solve each new clue they’re given as they find their way around town.
Renew your family ties: recruit your in-laws and your out-laws, find your friends and nag new neighbors to join in the hunt.
A NEW DAY IS DAWNING: Register early to assure your team’s reservation. An extra point clue will be given to your team upon payment – the sooner you pay, the sooner you get your clue!
DATE: Saturday, November 4, 2017
TIME and PLACE: The car line-up begins at the Lower Level of the Merrimack Street Parking deck promptly at
5:00 PM
Departure is at
6:00 PM (Note: earlier start time)
FEE: $45.00 per person
Checks payable to: BUTTONWOODS MUSEUM
$$: Please bring payment to any EZ-Way Cleaners location or mail a check to:
Peter Carbone, 48 Colby St., Bradford, MA 01835.
Help us out: include a note with the names of your team members being paid for, and your team name/captain, cell phone# and email addresses so we can reach you.
Let us know if you’re a YES, NO or MAYBE.
Your final clue will bring you to a party with a cash bar AND a fantastic buffet.
Don’t be clueless! call for more information:
Peter Carbone at (508)-320-7710 or e-mail
The Buttonwoods Museum/Haverhill Historical Society is a non-profit, privately supported organization charged with maintaining and displaying historical artifacts from Greater Haverhill.
A New Silver Bullet Production (But you knew that!)]]>