Rainy networking event at Whiskey Barrel Bar very well attended.

1- Representatives from Ruth’s House from L to R: Ann Shaw, Sarah Wescott (from Copilabs), Harriet Brooks, and Barbara Donegan.
Haverhill, MA- On Tuesday April 26th, the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce hosted a Business after Hours at The Whiskey Barrel Bar and Grill. Located on 27 Lafayette Square, The Whiskey Barrel is one of the many bars that keep Haverhill’s nightlife alive. The non-profit partner for the evening was Ruth’s House. Also location in Lafayette square, Ruth’s House provides clothing and training opportunities to individuals and families throughout the Greater Merrimack Valley. We had a great Business after Hours event hosting at least 70 people.
About the Haverhill Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce is a private, non-profit business organization composed of nearly 500 area businesses, and we are growing by the day. The Chamber creates and fosters a prosperous business environment and support the growth and profitability of their members, providing the resources, advocacy, information, networking and marketing opportunities for members’ success.