Stacey Bruzzese, GHCC President presents the Business of the Month Award to Darlene Beal, Executive Director of HC Media
The Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present HC Media with the distinction of December 2015 Business of the Month. This special recognition serves to highlight their outstanding commitment to providing access to their “on-air medium” for individuals, groups, organizations and institutions to communicate with the people of Haverhill, Massachusetts.
H.C. Media was incorporated as an independent non-profit organization in 1988 as “Haverhill Community Television”. Since that time, HCTV has been the local television station serving Haverhill. We operate three local television channels – Public TV22, Education TV10, and Government TV. HC Media also offers video/television education, equipment and facility resources and production assistance free of charge to Haverhill residents.
In an effort to recognize outstanding achievement in the Greater Haverhill community, the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce formally identifies a “Business of the Month” approximately every four weeks. This award is given to a Chamber member that is a proven leader in their business or industry and excels in the areas of community involvement, economic growth, customer service and professional relationships.
As an active and integral part of Haverhill, HC Media is well represented throughout the community in event participation, volunteer hours and public support. Their staff can be found filming various civic, public and business based events, acting as idea generators and manpower for various committees, and lending their support to local service organizations. Additionally, HC Media is a constant supporter of the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce, its programs and events and makes the monthly GHCC TV Show, “Your Chamber at Work” possible.
Award winners are recognized in area newspapers highlighting their distinction as Business of the Month, receive a complimentary guest ticket to the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce’s exclusive “Annual Business Awards Breakfast” and are automatically entered into the running for the Annual
Business of the Year award. That honor is announced during the annual breakfast which has been scheduled for February 13, 2015. Nominations for Business of the Month can be submitted at any time. Forms are available by calling the chamber office at 978-373-5663 or by email at info@haverhillchamber.com. There is no fee for nominations or applications. Companies may be nominated by any member business. This is a benefit available exclusively to Chamber members.