Greater Haverhill Chamber Announces New Addition to Team

Ashleigh Bergh, newly hired Membership Coordinator, will be responsible for initial contact with new local businesses, as well as the continuation of ongoing relationships with well-established companies.
The Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the addition of Ashleigh Bergh to their current team. Ashleigh will serve as the Membership Coordinator working directly on engagement with existing business members and outreach to the surrounding business community.
Ashleigh Bergh comes to the Chamber after serving as the Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement at Occidental College in Los Angeles where she worked closely with students, alumni and parents on programming around the College’s mission. Prior to her position at Occidental, Ashleigh worked for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s “Team In Training” Program. She is a longtime volunteer for HC Media and a newly elected board member for the Haverhill Education Foundation. Ashleigh holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications cum laude from Framingham State University and is a born and raised resident of Haverhill.
“We are extremely excited to welcome Ashleigh to the team,” says Stacey Bruzzese, Chamber President/CEO. “Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious already earning her a reputation as a “mover and shaker” locally. Ashleigh’s fresh approach and passion for the community will help GHCC continue to advance,” continued Bruzzese.
In her role as Membership Coordinator, Ashleigh will be responsible for initial contact with new local businesses, as well as the continuation of ongoing relationships with well-established entities. In addition, she will provide a conduit for new members leveraging chamber resources, providing access to municipal leaders and developing professional growth opportunities. In addition to these duties, Ashleigh will act as liaison to both the Member Services and Ambassador Committees of the chamber providing support where needed
The mission of the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce is to develop, encourage, promote and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interest of the Greater Haverhill Area; to promote the civic interest and general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop and protect the industry of the Greater Haverhill Area; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the city and area, and to procure laws and regulations desirable for the benefit of business regarding matters affecting its interest.