Save the date for The Color {mint} 2nd Annual Fashion Show
Now is the time to think spring! What better time to update your wardrobe and participate in a fun and interactive event. The Color {mint} invites all to mark their calendars for Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 5:00 PM on. This year The Color {mint} will partner with Anchor of Hope Diaper Bank, a non-profit organization which provides free diapers to families in need through already existing agencies and organizations. The goal of this event is to raise money for the organization and bring awareness to the cause.
The event will be hosted by The Color {mint}. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the storefront location or via the internet. Doors open at 5PM and the fashion show kicks off at 6PM. Sponsorships are available. Contact Melissa Rosado at
Anchor of Hope works dailt to ensure that families do not lack the basic essentials to maintain health and well being. Through partnering with already existing agencies to distribute diapers, they encompass more families than possible going it alone. Their goal is not to duplicate services but to enhance the service ability of those agencies already committed to helping families in need. For more information visit: Anchor of Hope.