Haverhill High Schools Hosts Leadership Breakfast
Haverhill High School invites local community leaders to join HHS student leaders for a networking and educational event to discuss the power of collaboration to improve our community.
The goal for this event is to bring student and adult leaders together to promote positive leadership, to share our work with the Global Youth Leadership Institute, and to support our group’s goal of traveling to New Mexico for a leadership institute this summer.
The event takes place Wednesday, February 25, 2015 from 7:30 – 8:45am at Haverhill High School Library, 137 Monument Street. Guest Speakers for the event are Dr. Ulric Johnson, Founder, Teens advocating a Global Vision and Matt Nink, Director, Global Youth Leadership Institute. Breakfast will be served at 7:30 am.
All RSVPs should be addressed to Amy Jones, ajones@haverhill-ps.org, 978-476-668. You can donate the HHS Global Youth Leadership Initiative through www.gofundme.com/hhsgyli