Haverhill Educator Receives MCO Course of Distinction Award
Massachusetts Commissioner of Higher Education, Carlos E. Santiago, presents Dianne McDermott Cerasuolo with an MCO Course of Distinction Award[/caption]
Dianne McDermott Cerasuolo, from Haverhill, an instructor in North Shore Community College’s Business Department, was recently selected as a 2016 Massachusetts Colleges Online (MCO) Course of Distinction Award (COD) winner. Her hybrid advertising class was one of only 11 hybrid Courses of Distinction selected across all 15 Massachusetts community colleges.
Hybrid courses use in-class learning and assignments combined with online, outside the classroom learning and assignments.
“The Course of Distinction award is a great honor,” said McDermott Cerasuolo. “I developed this version of “Advertising” to support students who, for a variety of reasons, were reluctant to take a fully online course. As a result of this delivery method, student achievement was higher than in either online or in-class methods. My next steps are to create hybrid versions of all of my courses!”
McDermott Cerasuolo received her award and was a speaker at the MCO Best Practices Conference held on June 2nd at Greenfield Community College, Greenfield, MA. She is pictured with Massachusetts Commissioner of Higher Education, Carlos E. Santiago, who presented the awards.]]>